New Toys and God's Abundance

Troy has been telling me about this guy called Dave Ramsey for a long time. Actually when I first met Troy, he was leading a bible study by written by Dave Ramsey. You could do a search for Dave Ramsey to see what he's all about if you don't already know. He's basically a financial advisor who has a radio program and writes books and speaks at conferences.

With all that being said, I'm hooked on this guy, Dave Ramsey. I listen to his radio program nearly every day at work via Dave's website. And needless to say, I'm working on getting out of debt, which I feel is God's best for my life.

Troy is working on getting out of debt too, but unfortunately I'm a little more hardcore serious about cutting back and living like a minimalist for a couple of years so that we can be completely debt free (including the house) in 5 years. In all reality, it will take us a bit longer unless a miracle happens. There are some incidentals which need to be paid (examples: braces for our 2 older kids, tires for the car).

So here are some steps we're taking to get the ball rolling:
#1 We've cut off our cable
#2 We've signed up with a different internet provider who has given us faster speeds and lower monthly payments
#3 We purchased an antennae for local TV shows
#4 We've purchase a Roku (streaming internet box) at a reduce price with Playon, so that we're still able to watch the Nascar races when they are playing on ESPN, instead of a local network
#5 We shopped around for cheaper insurance (both home and auto)
#6 Not that this counts, but we both are trying to get life insurance so if something were to happen to one of us, the other would be financially cared for. (I have to laugh because I'm having some issues getting life insurance because of all the traveling I've done in the last 5 years: Tanzania, Romania, Dominican Republic, & Nicaragua) They seem to frown upon the fact that I travel outside of the US so often. Who knew?
#7 I've been a coupon queen for quite a few years now, but that's just a consistent way to save money on groceries, shoes, clothes, and eating out
#8 We're working towards living on one of our income, and putting the other income all towards debt and mission work. Allowing God's abundance to flow through us, instead of stopping it for our personal gain.

Here's are my personal obstacles: I keep finding these deals which I can't seem to not purchase:
#1 I got a Archos G9 80 tablet for $40. The normally sell for $170.
#2 I found a Logitech Tablet Keyboard for Android 3.0+ for $18 at Target today. It normally sells for around $50. So I'm $58 into my tablet/keyboard combo, but now I have the capability of updating my blog, sending emails and keeping up better with my calendar in less time and effort than trying to use my phone. I'm really pleased with this little tablet and this full sized keyboard. I'm using it to type this blog update and it's AMAZING. But now I'm good for a while again without any new gadgets. :-) We'll see what the next item is that I can't live without.

So what are you doing to be more financially responsible?

Daily Challenge #36


That word just keeps floating around my head this morning.

Give what?
Give to whom?
What will is cost me?
What's in it for someone else?
Who has been praying for me to give?

Troy and I recently went on a mission trip to Nicaragua. I don't have any photos uploaded yet, but once I do, I'll be sure to add the link. We kept a blog while were there, so you can check it out here. The trip continues to capture my heart. From the people we met to the places we visited - there's just nothing like it. We met some people who sleep under the stars - they possess nothing but a few sticks used as cornerposts for their homes. We gave food to the less fortunate ("less fortunate" an understatement!) Yet the people all seemed content, even full of joy to share with us. As Americans our lives are so full that we miss the joy and contentment of life - just living should be enjoyable.

Again I hear a voice in my head saying, "give".

The Lord's prayer requests of God to give us our daily bread. Do I really depend on God to give me food? I have more than enough food in my kitchen to last weeks. Do I expect God to deliver me from temptation? I question that one, too.

One thing I do do, ask God to help me be a giver - to be generous with all I've been given. As you have received, freely give. My heart's desire is to know how to give... and what to give... and to know that God, the giver of all good gifts, will be honored by my giving. God gave us His one and only Son. He has blessed me with 3 sons. Why me - to have 3 amazing sons? Am I giving to them what they need to be givers of life and love and compassion and hope and charity and food? I want to raise up 3 passionate men who know God, the Giver of all good gifts, that they may give to all without finding fault. That's one of my deepest desires.

So, what are you giving? Who needs what you have? Do you believe that you're intended to give to others, and there is great JOY in giving? When is the last time you gave to someone in need? It may be overdue.

Find things to give. Seek out someone who needs God's grace. Give mercy where it may not seem justified. Give forgiveness to those who don't deserve it. Let something go.

Let this thought capture your heart: "It just might be more important to be kind than to be right."

Nicaragua Updates

Just a quick update from Nicaragua. You can read some updates on this blog:

Daily Challenge #35

What do you think about when you hear "Salt Life"?

Someone has taken those words and commercialized them, and they are making a killing at it! We see cars and SUVs with Salt Life window decals nearly every day. I think about Christ telling His disciples to be "the salt of the earth". Is that what the "Salt Life" is all about? After checking the website for Salt Life, I don't think that is what is meant. The skulls on the logo indicate to me that Christ's "salty" advice is not what they are emphasizing. But whatever the "Salt Life" window decals mean, I'm convinced that "Salt" and "Light" go together. Humor me for a minute.

Can you imagine going to the beach in the dark? Would seeing the partially clothed bodies have any appeal? How about listening to the waves but not being about to see them? Would that be a place you would want to go to on vacation? Personally I believe it's the light that gives the "Salt Life" so much meaning. But what do I know?

Maybe I can create a website and window decals which say, "Light Life". Think I could make a million dollars?

So the challenge is to think about the "salty" advice of Christ. What are you seeing with your eyes which draw your thoughts to Christ? What do you look at which pulls your affection away from Him? Next time you see a "Salt Life" window decal, you might think differently about what it means to you. Are you living the "Salt Life"?

Luke 11.34  Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness.

Matthew 5.16  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Blog  You can check our more blog posts there.

Nicaragua or Bust!!!


Hope this email finds you well.

This last weekend our pastor was talking about how Jesus went to where the need was the greatest. He didn't wait for people to come to Him. This thought really set me thinking about our upcoming mission trip. Troy and I will be traveling to Nicaragua next month with City on a Hill United Methodist Church. We'll be co-leading the trip with another couple named Anna and Todd Mixon. We can hardly wait to see what God has in store for us in central America.

I've attached a letter, illustrating a few of things we'll be doing while were there. Please take a minute to read through.

We can use your prayers while we prepare for the trip and all the while were there.

Thanks in advance,


Daily Challenge #34

What do others do for you that speaks clearly, "I love you"?

This is what Troy and I have been figuring out for each other. Troy does many things around the house, but that doesn't really express to me that he loves me. And I do things for him, but the message gets lost in the busyness of life. His "love language" is different than mine. Partly this comes from that fact that he's a guy and I'm a chick, but even then, we are very different.

When he helps out with the kids, that really helps me to know that he cares about the kids, and frees up some time for me to do other things. Parenting on the same page speaks clearly the Troy loves me and cares for me. (Crazy how love can be communicated!)

So what speaks "I love you" to you?

Your challenge is to make a list of these items. Troy was given a list of 61 items. If he could do one of these items every day, then he would be set for 2 months. Some are pretty hard to accomplish, but others would take very little effort. Some of the items he definitely would score lots of brownie points if he would do than more often!

Share the list with your friends, spouse, kids, anyone. It may benefit someone to know how you feel loved the most.

For me, I like to spend time with people - one on one communication. Anything we can do together, that's the key for me.

Daily Challenge #33

So my life got really busy all of a sudden.
  • Been blessed with a new job which is a longer commute and more responsibility.
  • School began for Michael & Alex - the older two kiddos. Carson is still hanging out at daycare.
  • Carson is getting potty trained - (this is tough one for him!)
  • Carson has moved from the crib to his racecar toddler bed.
  • I've been selling lots of items on craigslist. 
  • Trying to plan for Troy's birthday which is  2 weeks away.
  • Preparing for a mission trip which is in 6 weeks - still trying to get our letters sent out.
So, what's going on with you? What's been happening in your world?

So your challenge: do something which has been on the back burner for far too long.

For me, I need to 1.) create and mail our support letter for the mission trip and 2.) write a couple letters to friends who have had some crazy life experiences.

Daily Challenge #32

Been slacking on getting out this Daily Challenge. Please accept my apologies for that.

Troy and I have been running everywhere! Welcome to summer insanity, right? Oh well, I'm sure we're not the only ones going through this craziness.

So our challenge today is to take a moment to sit back, relax and take a breather. Take at least 7 minutes to decompress.

Sit still. Let your muscle take a moment to relax. Focus on mind on something other than work, irritations, expectations, etc. Focus on a word: "Dreams". What would you really like to do? Where would you really like to be? 

We've had some good things happening in the Brown house in the last couple of weeks, but these good things are causing us to scamper around like fools. I need a breather, a true breath of fresh air.

Daily Challenge #31

Sweet spot.

What do you think about when you hear those two words?

What's your sweet spot?

Some of us will be thinking about candy and chocolate. Some of us will be thinking about sports. Some of us will be thinking about relationships. Some of us may be thinking of a place where life feels perfect. Some of us will be thinking of something which makes us feel exhilarating.

How does your sweet spot feel? What emotions does it arouse within you? Do you get any satisfaction from even thinking about it? What reward to you get from your sweet spot? Could any of your friends or family name what your sweet spot is or do you keep it a secret? If found out, would you be humiliated? Is your sweet spot God-honoring or not?

Each of us has a different sweet spot.

So what is the challenge? The challenge is to share with someone what your sweet spot is. Then ask that person what their sweet spot is. You may be surprised at the answer.

When I hear the words "sweet spot" I think about this:

There's a place in South Dakota where I used to go when I was in high school. It's a cemetery on a hill near a large curve on a road overlooking a valley. I've been thinking about that place a bunch lately. I remember going up on that hill and pouring out my heart to God. He seemed to hear me there, and it seemed as though my heart was always mended after those moments up on that hill. I felt relief and freedom when I would go there. There was something magical (and mystical) about sitting among the dead while speaking with the Giver of life in that cemetery.  For the record, no one knew how much time I spent on that hill, nor would anyone guess that is one of my sweet spots. Guess the secret is out.

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Daily Challenge #30

Another beautiful day is upon us. 

As I sit here, staring out the office window, I'm reminded how fortunate I am to be American. Hot water every day. Internet that works. Power that stays on. Nearly everyone has a vehicle. Clean water. Medicine and medical technology to lengthen life and take away pain. Fire trucks. Trash service. Cell phones. Educational systems which provide knowledge. Freedom to worship without fear punishment. Coke. Peanut butter with honey. Trader Joe's.  Ok, so now I'm daydreaming.

Anyway, what things in your life do you appreciate? What could you not live without?

After my 6 months in Tanzania, I discovered that there was very little which I could not live without. But there was one thing: I needed to able to communicate with people. I was forced to learn Swahili so that I could express myself. Without being about to communicate, I was dying.

Carson, our youngest son, is now 2. It's really hard for me to understand him. Most of the time I have no clue what the little guy is saying. I'm praying hard over him to speak clearly. I want so desperately to understand what he has to say. This is how my friends in Tanzania felt. They desperately wanted to know what I was all about, but we we couldn't communicate. One or both of us had to change, otherwise we would always struggle in our relationship.

The great thing about Carson is that he talks all the time, and I love that he doesn't get discouraged. He just keeps trying and trying to get me to understand what he's saying. I believe that he will speak clearly one day, and we won't struggle the way we do right now to communicate. What a glorious day that will be, because I can't wait to hear all the stories he will have to tell. It's going to be amazing!

So what things in your life do you most cherish?
What could you not live without?
Who might you be struggling to communicate with?
Is there anyone in your life who you need to pray for lines of communication to be opened?

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Daily Challenge #29

Truth Versus Lies

I wanted to have this daily challenge be about exercising, and getting your life together, but.. I can't get out of my head this idea of truth versus lies. So how about we go with a little of both.

Do some stretching - even if that means yawning with your arms stretched out over your head. 
Stand up and bend at your waist - trying to touch your feet with your hands.
Balance on one leg for as long as you can stand. Switch legs and see how long you can balance on the other leg.
Stand up straight, stretch your arms straight out in front of you. Bend your knees and then stand back up. 

How does it feel? Can you feel your muscles stretching?

Ok, now onto lies versus truth.

Our past shapes who we are. I think everyone knows that to some extent. And we all to some extent believe that we are what we think. But the questions I'm wrestling with are "Can we control all our thoughts?" and "Why are some thoughts so hard to dislodge?"

Some of the lies which have sunk their evil talons into me are:
I'm not a good mom
We won't have enough money to cover the Nicaragua trip.
I'm not a good wife
Our kids will fail because I have failed
Troy will leave eventually and I'll be left with 3 kids
We won't have enough money to cover all our bills
I realize these are all LIES. They are not the truth. I fight these thoughts/feelings often. 

These are some truths which I cling to:
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deut. 31.6)
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29.13)
Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (John 1:17)
Come near to God and he will come near to you. (James 4.8)
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. (Prov. 16.3)

So the second half of today's challenge is to name and write down what lies bounce around in your head. We all have lies which tempt us away from the truth. These lies will keep you for living life to the full. They will keep you from taking risks, growing in intimacy with your spouse, doing what God has called you do, etc.

Let the word of God dwell in you richly. (Col. 3.16)

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Daily Challenge #28

Today's Challege: Upload some photos to your facebook account. 

Anticipation is building...

Can you feel it? Can you sense the anticipation building? I certainly do.

There's a prompting on my life to pounce on a new adventure. I can't avoid it. Seems like every article, blog, book, radio program, etc., that I pick up focuses on discovering what my  passions are and pursuing those passions. It's everywhere! Literally, everywhere. In the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep, I picked up a parenting book from John Maxwell from 1996 called Breakthrough Parenting. I only made it through page 33, but so far it's loud and clear that I need to keep learning. And to do that, I need to figure out what my passions are. (See the trend?)

So how does one figure out what he is passionate about? 
  • Listen to what you talk about the most
  • Look at your bank account to see where your money is going
  • Peruse your bookshelf to see what interests you have
  • Think about which websites you spend the most time
  • What would you really like to do in the next 5 years
  • If money was not an issue, where would you like to be
Check out this personality test: Keirsey Temperment Sorter or this career test: The MAPP Assessment

Daily Challenge #27

'Wow Moments'

Think back over your life. What have been some 'Wow Moments' for you? How did these moments make you feel? What made them so special to you? Were there others with you during these experiences?

Now go and tell someone about one of those experiences. The person you're telling may need to hear about something positive which happened to you. Give as many details as possible. Let them know how you were feeling when it happened. 

It may just help you get out of the funk that you're in on this Monday.

I want to hear about your 'Wow Moment'.

Don't be a quitter

Found these tips on one of the blogs which I follow and wanted to share.

Before you quit anything:

1. Remember once again why you began this course of action. Remember why you started this degree program. Remember why you got married. Remember why you volunteered for this project.

2. Know that anything worth doing is probably going to be very difficult at times. In fact, there may be moments when you feel stuck. Before you quit, ask yourself, "Is this to be expected?"

3. Many people will exit once something becomes really difficult. Anything worthwhile is going to have its "but-this-is-hard" moments.

4. Seek to make progress just today. Take a step or two forward.

5. Talk with people who have a track record of persevering. Learn from them. Remember that there will be far more people who will give you reasons why you should quit.

6. Pray, thanking God for the ways you can become more Christlike even through a very difficult process.

Daily Challenge #26

Prayer Donor

Check out the site - sign up to pray for someone. This could be revolutionary. You might want to write your own prayer as well. Everyone needs a little help here and there.

So what are you wrestling with? What decision are you struggling to make? What needs do you have in your life which don't feel fulfilled? 

Daily Challenge #25

5 minutes. Do you have 5 minutes to spare? I was listening online to Craig Groeschel from Life Church in Oklahoma speak on his new book called Soul Detox. He was speaking of the toxins which corrupt our lives. You can listen to his 3 part message here. I originally found out about the book from this website. It's crazy how you can get from one place to another on the net without even really paying attention where you started from. I recommend listening to the message from Craig. It's a good one, especially part 3.

Back to where I started from: a question. Do you have 5 minutes? Do you think you can spend 5 minutes a day for 5 days straight thinking about nothing by God. Just sit and think of God - what He has done for you, what you are doing for Him, what He desires of you, etc.

Craig says it this way, "You don't have time to not be still before God."

This song by Casting Crowns helps me to realize the need I have to rely on God. Here are the lyrics.

Jesus, friend of sinners, we have strayed so far away
We cut down people in your name but the sword was never ours to swing
Jesus, friend of sinners, the truth's become so hard to see
The world is on their way to You but they're tripping over me
Always looking around but never looking up I'm so double minded
A plank eyed saint with dirty hands and a heart divided

Oh Jesus, friend of sinners
Open our eyes to the world at the end of our pointing fingers
Let our hearts be led by mercy
Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks yours


Jesus, friend of sinners, the one who's writing in the sand
Make the righteous turn away and the stones fall from their hands
Help us to remember we are all the least of these
Let the memory of Your mercy bring Your people to their knees
No one knows what we're for only against when we judge the wounded
What if we put down our signs crossed over the lines and loved like You did

Oh Jesus, friend of sinners
Open our eyes to world at the end of our pointing fingers
Let our hearts be led by mercy
Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks yours

You love every lost cause; you reach for the outcast
For the leper and the lame; they're the reason that You came
Lord I was that lost cause and I was the outcast
But you died for sinners just like me, a grateful leper at Your feet

'Cause You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever
You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever
You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever
You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever

Oh Jesus, friend of sinners
Open our eyes to world at the end of our pointing fingers
Let our hearts be led by mercy
Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks Yours

And I was the lost cause and I was the outcast
You died for sinners just like me, a grateful leper at Your feet

Daily Challenge #24

Good morning, (or for my friends in Europe - Good evening!)

So there's this song out by Matt Maher called "Rise Up". Check it out here. I think you can even download it for free from that link as well. See the lyrics below. It's a rocking song with a powerful message.

Lately I have been filled with hope, as though something great is about to happen. I don't know what is coming (or if anything is coming for that matter), but something is stirring in my soul. I can feel it it, like a train that is miles away, but you can hear the bellow of the horn. She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes...

Habakkuk 2.3: 
For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

Troy told me one day what he is going to inscribe on my tombstone. It'll say, "This is her favorite part!". "If it's a good day for living, it's a good day for dying." - that's what my dad's tombstone should say. I can't wait for that day - to meet my Maker, eye to eye.

So what are you are waiting for? What's stirring in your soul? What is the condition of your soul? What do you know you should be doing but you are not doing? What has someone asked you do, but you're chicken? Step up to the plate. It's time to RISE UP... RISE UP when this life has got you down. I want to hear about it. I know that each of us have desires in our heart which we are too scared to do, or maybe we are even too scared to tell our closest companions. It's time to start talking. You need to take a step in that direction. Start getting some books about whatever you need to do. Get some knowledge so you'll be successful. "Don't tell God you have a big problem. Tell your problem you have a big God." It's time to do something.

This is mine... (I'm being vulnerable here by putting this out.) I feel as though I'm supposed to write a book. I don't have any clue how that is going to happen with the insanity of my life, but somewhere, somehow I think that is what I'm supposed to do. For Troy and me, we feel like we are supposed to create a non-profit organization. Troy has the vision, and I have the business skills, but it's a huge endeavor. We'll see where that leads. 

So what's yours? Write it to me. Tell someone. Do something about it. The revelation has already come to you. It's time to start taking the steps to bring it to fruition.

When you see the road ahead
that you've been down before
When you're half way to no where
and you can't pay the toll

You're hanging onto mercy
withered on the vine
With your feet on the ground, your head in the clouds
and your heart on the line
Open up your eyes

You've got to rise up (rise up)
when this life has got you down
You've got to look up (look up)
when you search & nothings found
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the love that's here and now
It's coming down
So rise up now.

When your told that day is over
long after the sun goes down
And your mind it keeps on racing
at the dreams that don't come 'round

When you don't know how to surrender
'Cause your whole life's been a fight
When the dark holds you and you can't break through
cause you haven't seen the light.
Open up your eyes…

And all the lambs roar like lions
And all the prisoners breaking their chains

And all the poor find their treasure
Cause heaven is coming this way.
And all the lambs roar like lions
And all the prisoners breaking their chains
And all the poor find their treasure
Cause heaven is coming this way.

Single Mom's Gas Give-Away : May 12

Hey there,

We have an exciting opportunity for any single mom. Our church is giving out FREE gas. On May 12 from 12 - 3 PM, we'll be pumping gas at City on a Hill Church located at 7745 Main Street, Woodstock, GA  30188, next to the Woodstock Library. We'll also be offering things for kids, water, and HOPE. Sometimes when things look bleak, what we need more than anything is to have someone show us that they care. This is what we are trying to do for the single mom's in the Woodstock/Marietta/Canton area.

This is what I need from you: to tell all your friends who are single moms about this event. We are trying to spread the news by word of mouth. We've been asked to not publish any printed advertisements or radio announcements by the county officials who have given us a permit. So basically we're telling everyone we know to tell everyone they know. I believe this could be ever more effecting than printed material. You have influence into your friends' lives. Can you help us spread the word?

You can get more info at Free Gas.

And if you don't have anything going on from Noon to 3 on Saturday, May 12, we would love to see you. We have lots of people involved, but there is always room for one more helping hand. You never know how an event like this can impact someone's life. Troy and I have volunteered for this event for several years now, and each year we hear stores of women who feel hopeless. Then they come to this event, and are renewed with hope to continue living. We'd love to see you there!

Thanks in advance for spreading the word. Let's make someone's day by giving a little hope (and free gas).

Daily Challenge #23

Good morning,

Time for another daily challenge. (Well, these are getting to be weekly challenges because I've been a slacker!)

Think about influences in your life. Who has made the biggest impact in shaping who you are? What experiences have paved the way to your career? What do you do that your parents did? I have to laugh because I speak different living in the south versus living in S. Dakota. Yet, when I get on the phone with my relatives from S. Dakota, my funny little accent comes right back. When I speak with my friends from Tanzania, I sound like a British chick.

There were several missionaries who spoke a various churches who helped to shape who I am. They probably will never know, but they made a big impact on me. One missionary lady is named Ida Marie. She was a missionary in Tanzania for most of her life. She spoke Kiswahili. 

My parents always made time for me to talk with them. I try to instill that into our boys. We also ate together nearly every night, and I still try to do that with our kids.

So who or what has influenced you?

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Daily Challenge #22

Tax Day 2012

Where does your money go? What are you investing in? 

Troy has a statement which I think he might have picked up from Andy Stanley, "Living things are expensive." That's how we live in our house. Our kids seem to drain us of any extra cash we might receive. From food to new shoes to events to allowance to trips to birthday gifts to more food to more food, etc. But I spend my money on books. Some of the books I get free from amazon, but other ones are discounted or used for a small price. Oh, and gas for the car, too.

So where is your money going? Where do you drop a buck or two each day? Who is benefiting from this spending? 

This weeks challenge to become more aware of these little purchases. Who could be benefiting from this purchase? Who might need to have some of your money?

Here's a list of resources:

Daily Challenge #21

Spring has sprung.

Get outside. Take an extra dose of Benadryl, grab your jacket and find something to do outside. This is a good time of year to visit a new park. Maybe you could even plan a camping trip. This morning's temp is 38° here in Woodstock, GA, so it's brisk here.

On the way into work this morning, my little van decided to take a detour to a local convenient store. I'm trying to be intentional about becoming friends with a lady who works at this store. Her name is Olga. Unfortunately Olga wasn't at work this today. Perhaps it was her day off, who knows? While I was checking out the nearly infinite selection of cold drinks, a man stepped out of the bathroom next to me. He obviously hadn't showered in days, clothes were tarnished, hair  was everywhere, wreaked of body odor. All that I could handle, but what caught me off guard was the sadness which spilled from his eyes. I said 'good morning' to him and went on my way, perusing the drink coolers. After my delay, I settled on a Sobe Pina Colada. (If you know me, you know that I don't always go for the same drink. I need variety in my life.) After checking out, this man and I happened to be leaving the joint at the same time. By divine chance, I  glaced down on the ground to find a penny. After picking it up, I handed it to Mr. Smelly. He didn't want to take it, but I mentioned to him that it just might bring him good luck. He graciously accepted the minuscule gift, gave me an ear-to-ear grin, and we both parted ways.

Daily Challenge #20

Holy cow! We've made it to #20! I'm nearly amazed. Congrats!

Let's celebrate!

I want for you to invite someone out for dinner and tell them about this little daily challenge. I'm serious. Have someone over for lunch, talk about what's going on with you. I have lots going on with me, so my guest will get their ears full. 

How about you? What do you have going on? I would love to hear about it. Invite me over for dinner. Meet me for lunch. wink wink!

Daily Challenge #19


What are some of the habits you have - good or bad?
Do you get up in the morning and do the same routine?
Do you brush your teeth with the same hand?
Do you bite your nails?
Do you think the same negative thoughts about the same negative people?
Do you do the same routine each time you get into your car?

I basically do the same thing everyday. Turn off my alarm. Think to myself, "Time to make the donuts." (that donut commercial from the nineties has stuck with me this long, why change now?) Walk to the bathroom. etc.

I have a routine, a habit which gives me the same results.

Walk out of the house by 6:50, Carson to daycare, one of the older boys to school, and me to work before 7:30. 

Habits are ingrained into us.

This is the pattern - Cue: Routine: Reward.
For an alcoholic it goes something like this: I feel lonely/anxious/unloved/dissed. I drink. I feel relaxed.
For my morning routine: The alarm blares. I get up and get moving. I get to work on time.

Basically we all have habits. We all live with them on a daily basis. Sometimes we get them pointed out to us by others. Many of them we don't ever think about - we just do them.

In the AA program, there are 12 steps to change habits. Basically you need to figure out what your habits are. Know the cues which cause you to do the habit. Figure out what routine you do to get the reward. Know the reward you expect for acting out the habit. Admit you can't change on your own and you need help. Confess and profess the change in your heart, your desire to genuinely make a fresh start. Be accountable to others. 

Basically you need to change the middle step. You need to change the routine it takes for you to get the reward, or feeling which you experience. The alcoholic will always have the same cues. He/she will at times feel down/anxious/hurt. The key is to changing the means of getting to the reward. The alcoholic will find friends to talk thru their pain/hurt/anxiety so that they still get to feeling of being loved/accepted/desired. Some turn to exercise to release their pent up emotion. Something needs to change in their routine.

So this week's challenge is to write down some of the habits you have. Think through the cues. Evaluate how you respond. What reward is there for you? What do you get out of the habit. How do you react when you're hurt/lonely/anxious? 

Daily Challenge #18

Good morning,

Last night I took the opportunity to listen to Mark Batterson. He's a pastor at National Community Church in Washington, D.C. He wrote a book called The Circle Maker, which I recently finished. The book has been revolutionary for my prayer life. One of the quotes from the book, "Bold prayers honor God, and God honors bold prayers," has deeply challenged me. Mark did a great job speaking last night and I'm very glad it worked out for me to listen to him. It was one of those God moments. The Lord had to get me to this little church in Cumming, GA, to have me listen to Him. 

But let me back up to let you know how it all went down. I really wanted to go and see Mark speak. I asked a couple of friends to go with, but they both had stuff going on. I asked Troy what his work schedule was, because it's all over the place. He told me he should be home about 4:30. That would work great since he would be able to pick up Carson. He didn't seem interested in going with me to hear this speaker, so I planned on leaving from work so that I wouldn't be late, since Cumming is about 45 minutes away. At noon when I talked to Troy, he said that he was not going to be back in time to get Carson. You know how it is, something about his work was busy and this and that happened.

"There's always an excuse." That's the phrase I use most in our house these days. No one wants to man-up and take responsibility. It's always the fault of something or someone else. We all have an excuse for everything... Ok, back to the story.

After getting frustrated with Troy for his stupid schedule, and for letting me down (honesty hurts.. but  I had to apologize for that one later!), I decided that I would pick Carson up from daycare and still go to hear Mark. I was convinced that I needed to go to hear this guy whom I follow his blog which is the way I found that he was speaking in Cumming. My handy-dandy smart phone has navigation on it, so Carson and I trekked our what through the bush to this little church.

The lady greeting us at the door was very helpful, leading Carson to the kid's area. Carson loved the kids play area, and the little older lady LOVED him. I knew he was in good hands when he took her hand and they skipped off to the slide.

The service started out with the youth praise band leading songs and prayer. There was the sweetest spirit in that place. It took a while to break down my hurt/rushed/anxious/angry/empty feelings. I hate feeling let down. It seems to cut straight to my heart when it happens. I'm sure there is something in my past which causes me to have these feelings. Perhaps that's an excuse to not deal with it or figure out where that stems from. So I'm standing there bawling my eyes out, realizing how rebellious I am, and apologizing for my little temper tantrums when I don't get my way. Then it hits me: this was exactly the place I was supposed to be in that moment. Broken, honest, real, talking to God.

This is getting to be a long post; sorry for that. (Jackie, for some reason, I have you in mind...)

By the time Mark got up to speak, the Lord had already spoken to me. There was some reprimand, some encouragement, some reassurance.

Here are a few of the points I took away from last night's message:
Establish a prayer habit.
You will never break the sin habit if you don't develop a prayer habit.
Think through your prayer genealogy - who has prayed for you, who are you praying for?
It's a powerful thing when someone vocally intercedes for you.
You are one prayer away from a totally different life.
Pray in the margins of your life - all the mundane tasks - dishes, laundry, driving.
Find the location of your greatest connection with God - where has He revealed Himself to you? Where did you experience Him? Go back to that place - re-connect with Him there.
God's timing is impeccable.
God wants to do something different - we need to try something different to experience God's change.
Be great at the Great Commandment.
Meet with God and He will be sure you meet the right people.
When is is harder to leave the presence of God than to get into His presence, something great is about to happen.

So I don't know what the challenge could be from this post, but I'm praying that God has something for you in it.

Maybe you need to:
-say you're sorry to someone for something you're holding against them, be honest about your hurt.
-find a prayer closet and climb in.
-go to the place where God met you - re-visit that place.
-make time daily to meet with God.
-rely on Him to meet your needs.
-write a note to the person who has prayed for you in the past.
-pray out loud for your kids, family, friends.
-don't fear to ask God for the big things.

Daily Challenge #16

think about someone you've lost in your life.... 
if they were still here.... what would you like for them to know? 
write a letter to that person.
(you don't have to share it with anyone)
just for the purpose of getting it out.


God is training me.

It hurts.
It is long time coming.
It is hard to grasp.
It is not impossible.

For the 2 people who read this blog, be ready for some ranting/raving and some honest truth to come from this post.

Normally I don't say anything when I'm fasting, but here we go. During this season of lent, I'm giving my best attempt at a Daniel Fast. Here's a link to what it's all about. Basically you can't eat meat, bread or anything with added sugar. So what's left: fruits and veggies with a side of water.

The first couple of days I was starving, but today I think my body is adjusting to it's new food groups. Even with the lack of sleep from this last weekend, my body is feeling really great. Troy told me that I would start to feel better, but i honestly did not believe him. I'll  eat some crow on that one, (but since that would be 'meat' I'll have to wait until this fast is over. wink wink)

So with all that being said, this is what I'm learning.

1.) I can't change people.
If I'm offended by something that Troy does, my reaction will not change him in the ways I want him to change. If I give him a cold shoulder or the silent treatment, it won't do any good. My feelings/reactions won't change his behavior. They may actually to do harm, which is the opposite of what I want. This goes against all that I am as a fleshly human. It gives new meaning to those verses in Matthew where he talks about praying for your enemies. 

Matthew 5: 44-48 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

2.) God can change people.
When offended, I need to climb up into my prayer closet and pour out my heart. It's okay if I let Troy know in a loving and respectful manner that my feeling were hurt, but I don't need to go on and on about it. Troy is very perceptive, and he picks up on feelings. This is key: by telling Troy how I feel, it doesn't mean that he will change. It's not up to me to change him. That's God's job, not mine. My attention needs to be on Christ, not on behavior of Troy. (This is what I'm learning.. and it's HARD!)

Another lesson, I don't need to sit and stew about it. Before I feel my blood start boiling, I need to set my mind on Christ - that He came to heal the sick and hurting. I need to keep in mind that usually people behave in an unpleasant manner because they are sick, or hurting, or they have believed a lie. It's my responsibility to pray - to intercede on their behalf. They need a Healer, and I know a good One. Sometimes the Healer expects me to use what He has taught me to help others. Sometimes people need to see the Doctor on their own. Normally people need a reason to see the Doctor. So as I pray, I tend to ask the Almighty Healer to open the eyes of His patience so they can see and take to heart what sickness is in their lives. Not one of us is 100% well. We all need a good Doctor.

So the two questions for you are:
° What needs to die in you?
° What needs to be birthed in you?

P.S. For the record, I just used Troy as an example. Too often the ones who can get underneath our skin are those who we love the most. Troy and I are doing well.

Daily Challenge #16

This past week I've heard about many people who went to the doctor.

My good friend, Patsy, had open heart surgery last Friday. She's home now but still can use all our prayers to get her healed and back to work.

Just found out about my friend, Cheryl, who is having knee replacement surgery today.

My co-worker's father-in-law had surgery for bladder cancer.

Michael, my son, is going to see a podiatrist on Thursday.

Lots of people needing physical healing.

So our challenge today is to pray over the doctors who are performing these procedures. If you don't know a doctor by name, look one up. Pray that he/she will know the power of Christ; pray they will acknowledge Who their masterful skills come from. Pray for them to have wisdom and skills to perform with excellence. Pray for them to have God's favor. Pray over their families. Write down their name in your journal - take a few minutes to ask God what to pray over these doctors. Whatever comes to mind, no matter if it makes sense to you or not - write that down. 

Today, I'm praying for my good, doctor friend who is part of these daily challenges. She actually delivered Carson, which was pretty awesome to have a good friend be part of that experience. For specifically, I pray for guidance for her, her children and her husband. May God reveal to them His glorious riches for their faithfulness.

Challenge #15

Good afternoon to you.

We have a physical challenge this week: To walk, jog, run, skate, or motivate yourself to move at least 1 mile. (This doesn't mean get in the car and drive a mile.)

Good luck!

My brother and his girlfriend had a little boy last night. The newborn's name is Eddison Wells Gartamaker.

Daily Challenge #13

Hey there,

How has your week started?

So far mine started with my husband's cell phone beeping at me at 4:37am. After tossing and turning for several hours, it was time to get out of the warm bed. When I got in the van to drive to work, a warning light for low air in a tire was glaring at me from the dashboard. Troy climbed out of bed so he could fix the car. Because of that issue, I drove our new car to work today. (We traded the red truck for a car over the weekend.) Now I'm sitting at work, trying to organize all the tasks which are neatly stacked in piles on my desk.

So your challenge to to get your mind off of the tasks at hand. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit back and enjoy the moment. Take a few minutes to relish what good things are happening in your life.

I'm glad we were able to trade the truck for a good price on the car.
Glad that our insurance has lowered due to the new car.
Glad for a warm cup of coffee.
Grateful for friends who come over and randomly make us dinner. (Thanks, Denise!)
Grateful for friends who randomly send texts or email, just checking in.
Glad for family who continue looks after our needs.
Glad for the UPS guy who brings a smile to my face everyday.
Income tax refunds, maturity in our boys, fear of the Lord, friends from church who pray with me, a cell phone with apps.

Out, Tanya

Daily Challenge #14

Daily Challenge #14

Grab your journals - it's going to be one those challenges!

Think of someone who needs some prayer. You may need to ask God to reveal this person to you. I know that all of us have someone in our lives who needs some extra help. (If you don't have someone or no body comes to mind - put me on your list! I can use all the prayer I can get these days.)

This week we are interceding for this person. All week. I expect for you to use your journals to write down what you've been praying for this person. Write down what you decided to do for them, outside of just praying.

These are the areas where you can pray:
Spiritual: To have a growing relationship to Jesus Christ, to grasp the grace that God has for them.
Intellectual: For their mental health. What we think is who we become, so pray for protection of the minds. Wisdom to make the right decisions.
Social: For them to have friends. For their relationships with their spouses, kids, friends, co-workers.
Physical: For their bodies to be strong, healed, developing in stature.
Emotional: For them to feel needed, loved, encouraged, etc.

You may need to do something for them. Write them a letter, or call them. Send them a text every day - just letting them know you're thinking about them. Be the light the God has designed for you to be. I would love to hear about the way God is using you to minister to this person.

Have fun with this one. Let it be a creative time for God to shine through you.

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Daily Challenge #12

We've made it to Daily Challenge #12.

Today's challenge requires you to use your brain. Learning new words and using them in conversation.

Stature: quality or status gained by growth, development, or achievement
friendly regard shown toward another especially by a superior (2) : approving consideration or attention

Here are some examples of STATURE and FAVOR.

1 Samuel 2:26
And the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor with the Lord and with people.

Luke 2:52
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.

Challenge Questions:
What areas of your life have you experienced stature and favor?
What areas of your life would you like to to see more stature or favor?
What are you doing to continue developing in stature and favor in your own life?
Who else needs to experience stature and favor?
What are you doing to help them?

My boss has a golden retriever puppy. The little dog comes to our office nearly everyday for a visit. The pup is into everything - it's just his age; he's a little chewer! I think about the pup, and how we as people go through similar stages, even as adults. When we don't get our way, we tend to stray into areas where we are not in the favor of the Lord. Our hearts may know what is the right thing to do, but we choose to do the opposite. Why do we do this? Why must we wait until someone takes away a object of 'chewing' before we let go? As adults need to keep growing in stature and seeking the favor of the Lord.

My Grandma who's 89 writes me letters occasionally. She always signs them with this closing, "Keep smiling and looking up". This is what I get from that statement: Stop looking down... (get on your knees and expect God to change whatever circumstances may be dragging you down) Stop worrying about whatever is bothering you and rely on the One who can change the situation. Do whatever you know to be right, and trust that something good will come out of it. Start thanking the Lord for his good gifts, even though the results may not be evidence with my eyes.

A shout-out to my Granny : Thanks, Granny, for the wisdom you've taught me. Thanks building in me a passion to know the Lord and the let Him be know through my life. Thanks for 'Smiling and looking up!"


Daily Challenge #11

I remember when we were choosing a name for Carson. Troy and I had 2 names chosen, one was Carson and one was Eliana since we didn't find out if Carson was a boy or a girl until he made his grand entrance into this world. We decided not to tell everyone the names, but I came up with a couple of names for our child. If our baby was a girl, I would tell people that her name was going to be Gertrude Maude And if he was a boy, then the name was Walter Henry. (I found these names in a list of popular names from 1920.) A friend, Jeanine, whom I mentioned the names told me that if I named my child Gertrude or Walter that he/she would need counseling by the time he/she entered kindergarten. And she was a school counselor!
Needless to say, Carson is not Walter Henry. Carson is Carson. Michael is Michael and Alex is Alex. Their names all suit them well. And I'm Tanya - Not Tonya. My parents named me after a country singer who had a popular song in 1976 entitled 'two sparrows in a hurricane'. But a name has power. There's a reason you have the name that you do. You're parents chose that special name for you. If you are female and you marry, then you often times take on the last name of your spouse. It took me a long while to say my name is Tanya Brown, instead of Tanya Gartamaker. (I still mess that one up sometimes!)
For me when someone uses my name (and says it correctly), then I automatically give that person my attention. They are speaking directly to me. They have called me by name. (Sometime I choose to ignore the 11 year old when he's trying to wear out my name, but normally I give my attention!)
So our challenge is to learn the name of someone new and call them by their first name. This can be the checker at the grocery store or Wal-Mart. Or maybe the waitress at the local diner. Perhaps someone from McDonald's.
For me, Travis at CVS while I was buying my MucinexD - Extra Strength! Trying to knock out this cold which has attacked me for long enough!

Daily Challenge #10

We've each been blessed with the ability to be creative. It's truly a God-given gift. Too often we tend to rely on others to come up with new ideas or events. Lately my life feels so busy and rushed that I don't have time to sit and create. It's like playing for adults. When is the last time you created something really cool? I can't really remembe the last time I used this gift which has been so graciously given to me.
So our challenge today is to create something. Some of you are very creative in the kitchen (not my gift, but I appreciate it in others). Some of you are great at making cards or beautiful envelopes. Some can paint or draw. Some make clothes from pieces of materials. Some are gifted photographers. Some of you are graphic designers. Some of you can create love notes to those whom you cherish. Some of you might need to sit down with your kids or friends and create a path through the woods. Some of you may need to create a path through your garage so that you stop tripping over the debris. (PICK ME, PICK ME!!) 
I'm creating garage sale signs and a craigslist ad for our garage sale on Saturday. Anyone have anything you want to contribute to our garage sale? Just checking.
Open yourself up to something new and exciting. Get out of the old ways - try something new! You might just realize that you're more talented than you ever expected. God wants to display His creativity through you. Maybe you need to ask Him what He wants to do through you. It might be a good start.

Daily Challenge #9

Your challenge today is to give someone a hug and let them know that you really appreciate them. Let them know that they matter to you.
Good luck.

Daily Challenge #7

Another day is upon us.
Our pastors was preaching on John Wesley. John Wesley is the founder of the Methodist denomination. John met with a group of buddies each week to discuss life. The following are questions these men would ask each other on a weekly basis.

Am I consciously or unconsciously creating the impression that I am better than I really am? In other words, am I a hypocrite?


Do I confidentially pass on to others what has been said to me in confidence?


Can I be trusted?


Am I a slave to dress, friends, work or habits?


Am I self-conscious, self-pitying, or self-justifying?


Did the Bible live in me today?


Do I give the Bible time to speak to me every day?


Am I enjoying prayer?


When did I last speak to someone else of my faith?


Do I pray about the money I spend?


Do I get to bed on time and get up on time?


Do I disobey God in anything?


Do I insist upon doing something about which my conscience is uneasy?


Am I defeated in any part of my life?


Am I jealous, impure, critical, irritable, touchy or distrustful?


How do I spend my spare time?


Am I proud?


Do I thank God that I am not as other people, especially as the Pharisees who despised the publican?


Is there anyone whom I fear, dislike, disown, criticize, hold resentment toward or disregard? If so, what am I doing about it?


Do I grumble or complain constantly?


Is Christ real to me?

So for the Daily Challenge #7, we each need to write down 5 of the questions in our journals and answer them honestly. I'll answer two, but keep the other 3 for myself.
Am I jealous, impure, critical, irritable, touchy or distrustful? yes.
Am I defeated in any part of my life?  yes.
The Lord, Troy &  I are working on these together. I'm grateful for a husband who can shoulder my foolishness.

Daily Challenge #8

Happy New Year!
Every year about this time my seasonal affective disorder (SAD) kicks my butt. I've struggled with it since I was a little kid. These are some of the symptoms:
Less energy and ability to concentrate in the afternoon
Loss of interest in work or other activities
Slow, sluggish, lethargic movement
Social withdrawal
Unhappiness and irritability
The only thing which seems to help is escaping to somewhere warm and sunny. It's an automatic cure. So this last Friday,  Troy and I went on a little adventure to Florida. Hanging out with our friends was awesome. Seeing the ocean, walking through the sand, and picking up shells was a pleasant treat. It was good for me, but unfortunately coming back to 17° temperatures places a little damper on it the fix. So here I am back in Atlanta, about to embark on another blissful day at work.
So what should the challenge for today be?
Write down 10 things which make you smile.
My list:
Making new friends
A good roadtrip
Someone to share an adventure with
A hope for the future
Hot water