Daily Challenge #36


That word just keeps floating around my head this morning.

Give what?
Give to whom?
What will is cost me?
What's in it for someone else?
Who has been praying for me to give?

Troy and I recently went on a mission trip to Nicaragua. I don't have any photos uploaded yet, but once I do, I'll be sure to add the link. We kept a blog while were there, so you can check it out here. The trip continues to capture my heart. From the people we met to the places we visited - there's just nothing like it. We met some people who sleep under the stars - they possess nothing but a few sticks used as cornerposts for their homes. We gave food to the less fortunate ("less fortunate" an understatement!) Yet the people all seemed content, even full of joy to share with us. As Americans our lives are so full that we miss the joy and contentment of life - just living should be enjoyable.

Again I hear a voice in my head saying, "give".

The Lord's prayer requests of God to give us our daily bread. Do I really depend on God to give me food? I have more than enough food in my kitchen to last weeks. Do I expect God to deliver me from temptation? I question that one, too.

One thing I do do, ask God to help me be a giver - to be generous with all I've been given. As you have received, freely give. My heart's desire is to know how to give... and what to give... and to know that God, the giver of all good gifts, will be honored by my giving. God gave us His one and only Son. He has blessed me with 3 sons. Why me - to have 3 amazing sons? Am I giving to them what they need to be givers of life and love and compassion and hope and charity and food? I want to raise up 3 passionate men who know God, the Giver of all good gifts, that they may give to all without finding fault. That's one of my deepest desires.

So, what are you giving? Who needs what you have? Do you believe that you're intended to give to others, and there is great JOY in giving? When is the last time you gave to someone in need? It may be overdue.

Find things to give. Seek out someone who needs God's grace. Give mercy where it may not seem justified. Give forgiveness to those who don't deserve it. Let something go.

Let this thought capture your heart: "It just might be more important to be kind than to be right."