Contact Info

tanya gartamaker
ywam kilimanjaro
P.O. Box 261
Hai-Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

phone number: 011-255-27-2756947 - if you want to call, buy a phone card because the rate will be much lower. (the phone card should be between 10 and 20 cents a mintute.) once i get settled in tanzania, i can update you on the best time to call.

my african discovery for today: the kilimanjaro airport (2932') is 1397 feet above the elevation of the jasper, ga, airport (1535').

Today's Challenge: send a postcard to a grandparent

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is SOOO AWESOME!!! I am so happy to see you in Africa; it just makes my heart smile. I will try to be better about staying in touch... Have a great journey.