Challenged Versus Lazy

'If a man is lazy, the rafters sag; if his hands are idle, the house leaks.' Ecc. 10.18

well, my rafters may not be sagging, but my car sure was atrocious. and my room was pretty pathetic too. and the stack of laundry kept growing. and some of my work habits have been slack lately too. but since this challenge conversation started, i've not had time to be lazy or idle. it's helped me to be proactive... a quadrant II type of person, instead of waiting for the problems to arise and then have to immediately deal with them. (that comes from 'the 7 habits of highly effective people' by stephen r. covey.)

i've had some interesting conversations lately with people regarding my trip. it feels like i'm more relaxed about this beautiful adventure than others. the people at work have momentary lapses and begin to freak out. i've been the one to chill people out. it's those prayers, i tell you! it's going to be hard to say good-bye to friends, but i'll only be a phone call away. i'll still be the same tanya, the same goofy person who has competely random thoughts and sticks her foot in her mouth several times a day. the same person who wants to go camping in January, enjoys meeting strangers and seeks Jesus for answers to life's questions. i'll just be a little further away, that's all. i'll still look forward to those random postcards from your adventure, and for the cd mixes with the newest/coolest songs. and we can still share wild and crazy stories.

as i'm writing these thoughts, i can't help but think of some of the crazy times i've lived. oh the adventures! my life has been one wild ride - from being raised in podunk south dakota, to college in nebraska, to working for skywest in california, to dj-ing in brookings, SD, to my quarter-life crisis move to georgia, and now another move to tanzania. i thank God for the good life He's given me. it's not all been a bowl of cherries, but it's been a good ride! it's the whole picture that brings joy!

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