
so i'm convinced that something good is going to happen on thursday. troy is searching for a new job. he's been to several interviews and is currently on his way to another. i'm thinking something will come up on thursday for him. so am i crazy to think that? what put that little idea within me? is that partly what faith is? so i'm believing that thursday is the day. i'm praying like something will happen and i'm thanking God for supplying troy's needs in His perfect way.

someone asked me the other day how many days until the big event? i looked that person in the eye, and asked 'what event?' so i guess it's about 7 weeks until troy and i get hitched. that's so cool. i'm really looking forward to being mrs. brown. speaking of the browns, we went to see 'meet the browns' late yesterday afternoon. it's a pretty good flick. had some funny lines. like 'don't go gospel gangsta on him!' haa haa. that's a good one.

we have our invitations and they should be going out in the mail within the next couple of weeks. please email me your address if you want an invite. tgartamaker at gmail dot com (i'm just trying to see if anyone reads this blog!!!!) guess i may need to get a new email address. that's something.

back to eating beef. the Lord Jesus made a way for me. i've enjoyed the break, even with the challenge. i'm really a red meat person. don't get me wrong, i can enjoy some chicken/pork/turkey, but there's just something about steak and hamburgers and roasts. denise made some amazing roast on Easter, and troy made some killer cheesesteak sammiches yesterday. mmmm so good. might have one of those cheesestaek sammiches again tonight if there are any leftovers. i'm so pathetic that i took a photo of my fridge the other day, because i was so impress with how much food troy has put in it.


Amanda Mae said...

I love that Troy has filled your fridge up. Before you two got together, I was a little concerned about your eating habits, seeing as your not one for cooking much.
Also, I so want an invitation, even though there's no way I can come to SoDak, as your wedding is the lovely last day of finals week. I'll email you my address, though.
Also, sorry this comment is about the length of a dissertation.

Amanda Mae said...

I forgot to say...
I think it's amazing that you think something is going to happen Thursday. It is wonderful that God has put that thought and expectation in your mind (and I have no doubt that it is God-Ordained.) I'll be praying with you for the awesome and exciting outcome of that day.

Jacqueline said...

ditto what Amanda said in 2nd comment!