Beautiful Somethings

*a new year
*renewed ambition to eat healthy
*a new friendship
*friends who care deeply for me
*intentional seeking Christ, even when it feels like a desert
*pursuing peace
*new year's phone calls from friends
*old friends offering advice
*new friends offering hope
*open and honest families
*visiting the gym on a regular basis
*sitting by a lake
*watching ducks
*shooting bubbles with pop guns
*roasted pork, bbq chicken, and cornbread
*listening to the stories of people's lives
*dunkin' donuts coffee
*a good glass of wine and a fireplace
*warm weather
*voicemails from my ywam connections
*friends who hold me accountable
*painting pottery with friends
*lunch conversations
*knowing people who are still in love after 30+ years of marriage
*receiving spoken blessings
*beholding another day
*searching for Truth and finding it
*knowing God's grace is sufficient
*looking into someone's eyes while they tell you how Christ is saving them
*someone telling me they see Christ in me
*free cell phone minutes after 9
*green plants
*woodwick candles
*hersey's kisses
*garlic mashed potatoes and chicken nuggets
*sudoku puzzles
*playing dominos with friends


Anonymous said...

I sooo love woodwick candles!
And...I hear spring is a very joyful time of year!
Just thinking about you, and wanted to say hi!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, new at the blogging! didn't really mean to be anonymous, but no clue about how to be anything else! Sad, but true; So, it's me, Cindy G. Hey Tanya!!!!!!