Day of Blessings

so, last night was the first night that i've slept all through the night without waking up. granted, i didn't go to sleep until after midnight, but i slept until 5.45. it was a beautiful thing! i woke up in a good mood, and had started thanking God for good gifts - from the moment my mind turned on. i knew today was going to be special!

next i was invited by the other american to share french toast and fruit! oh it was the best french toast i've ever had in my life! (for you who know me well, you know that i don't particularly enjoy french toast, but this was really good!) probably because i've not had anything besides dry bread for breakfast since i've arrived. (except when i bought the peanut butter!)

next, i was out in the bush having my quiet time, and looked up and saw the mountain had the clearest view! the whole thing was showing. so i had to go to my room to get my camera. i'll update the photos later. i have some great ones.

then i sort of had a little run-in with a maasia man. i was taking photos of the mountain, and he walked into my path. then he got upset with me because i had taken his photo. since i barely understood anything he was saying, i kept telling him that i did not understand. then Philip, another ywam-er, came and rescued me. they discussed for quite some time. it turns out that this maasai man was expecting me to pay him 10,000 shillings for the photo. (10,000 shillings equals $10 usd) philip persuaded him that i was only taking photos, and that i wasn't going to pay for the discrepancy. so the maasai man left. so i learned a lesson about taking photos of locals!

after i got back to my room, i checked my email quick and found out that the Hotze's have found the missing passport. we've been praying like fools over here in africa for that passport to show up. and God revealed it. i don't know any details about how they found it, but you can check out watapaching for details. and you can keep praying for them as they travel to Jamaica for a week. it's going to be an amazing time - already the miracles are starting!

after i read the email, i then understood why i had been praising God for his good gifts all morning. somehow i knew that the passport would appear and that God would answer the prayers. that's what i was expecting. my heart was not set on allowing denise to travel to jamaica without steven. we've been learning about spiritual warfare during our class, and how we are to pray against the devil's schemes. our prayers have to be backed by our desires to see things changed - and our beliefs need to be confirmed by our actions. oh so many prayers for that passport!

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