Merry Christmas and Promoters

Merry Christmas! it's already the 25th of December - 2 months from tomorrow i begin class in Africa. hooray!

the word is getting out among church people and family members. yesterday several people asked me about this beautiful adventure that i'm about to embark upon. it's great telling them about who i'm going with and what i'll be doing.

2 guys approached me yesterday in church. one implied that he would like to help out financially if we can work it out for the donation to be tax-exempt through the church. the other one said that i have a great promoter, and she is telling everyone about this beautiful adventure. (and this certain someone is one those 'connector' type people who knows nearly everyone in a 3 county area. both of those guys pretty much made my day!

i've sent most of my Christmas letters out, but i still have a few left. the ones i have left are people who have come to mind after the fact, but would be great prayer support people.

my prayer for you: may You know the Christ Child as your best friend, and be effective in sharing the Good News of Great Joy to others.

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