70 Days

someone asked me, 'so what do you know about Tanzania?' good question. i don't know a whole lot about this country. so i've been investigating, trying to learn some facts about the country of Tanzania and specifically about Kilimanjaro. this link has helped some. some interesting facts about Tanzania:
  • it touches the India Ocean
  • the country is slightly larger than twice the size of California
  • the average life expectancy is 45.64 years
  • not only is Mt. Kilimanjaro the highest point in Tanzania, it's the highest point in Africa
oh man, i'm looking forward to being there!

my biggest concern/prayer need: my passport seems to be lost in the mail. i put it in the mail 2 weeks ago with a check for speedy processing, and the check has not cleared the bank, nor have i received my passport. and because of this, i can't begin the visa application process, which really needs to begin soon. so that's my biggest prayer concern - for the passport to miraculously arrive at our house.

i was talking w/ juanita tonight about my beautiful adventure. she just burst into tears... and i got all choked up. it was a pretty cool moment. she knows it's my heart's desire to live in Afrika. i've grown to love juanita; she's one of those people who i instantly loved the moment we met. i love the way she lights up with a smile when she sees me. i love the way she cares for the little children and how she can express her concerns with people. as we say in the south, 'she's good people'.

today was caroling with the youth. i had a carload of 6 and 7th grade giggly girls. they are amazing. we sang our hearts out at the nursing home and some other places too. this cute little old lady at the nursing home brightened my day. she wanted to give us a gift - since we had shared a gift of singing with her. so she had each of us sit on her bed as she messaged our backs with this little electronic messagers. the girls thought is tickled, but that was the kindest thing this little old lady could have ever done for us. it was evident that she is filled with love, and she's still able to give it, even in her frail and feeble age.

gracious Father,
it amazes me how You shine Your love onto me thru others: from this little old lady, from juanita, from the young girls in the youth group. my heart is rejoicing tonight that You've shared Yourself with me today. those were sacred moments. may You bless these ladies with Your love and kindness. may Your abounding love radiate from me in the same way Your love radiates from them. use me as an instrument of Your love. as i prayed in sunday school this morning, may Your grace abide in our hearts. let me recognize where You are moving. and about this passport issue. You know that i'm concerned about it, but i'm trusting You to do a miracle. may You in Your amazing way have the envelope containing my passport arrive. don't let me be short-sighted, but let the eyes of my heart be opened to see past what i can see. i know faith abides in the unseen. who hopes in what they already have, right? may Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in You. (ps. 33.22)

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