83 Days

Sent email to folks @ ywam - kilimanjaro, giving them an update about the passport, and asking them if it is possible for my references to email their forms instead of snail mail.

steven asked last night what i wanted for Christmas - 'cash' was my answer. and then i told him about wanting to be in Africa in three months. he said, 'wow, that's soon.' then after some more conversation he said, 'if God wants you there, tanya, He's gonna get you there.' that's was cool the hear.

i've been thinking about my things - all my stuff which i've collected over the years. in some ways, i've tried throughout my life to not collect a whole bunch of 'things', because i've always known that i can't take that stuff w/ me to Africa. so i've been thinking of what i'm going to do w/ my stuff. denise can have most of it, but there are some items which i'm trying to return to the giver. so in thinking of all these things, i've called kimberly and asked her if she would hold onto a quilt which she made for me. of course, she said 'yes', because only she and i can appreciate how much effort went into making this quilt; it's quite an amazing quilt. (almost everything i own has been given to me.) examples: my bed is from valerie, my bookshelf is from denise and steven, my computer is from my parents. i own the dresser and small desk, some books and clothes, a few knick-knacks and a nativity set (which denise already has dibs on). so overall, it's not much stuff.... oh, there are a few scrapbooks, which i'm not sure what to do w/. but the one things i'm most concerned about, whom i'm hoping someone will step up the plate and take care of for me, is Flora Elia Kitomari. she just turned nine on november 29th. she the sweetest little Tanzanian that i know. i'm praying the i'll get a chance to meet her sometime during my adventure.

Most Gracious Father
You've overflowed my cup with blessings of grace and mercy. my heart is flooding with praise to You. You've granted peace to my heart. As i think through all that needs to happen, i can hear you say, 'my grace is sufficient for even you, tanya.' those words speak volumes of grace and truth and peace to this trembling heart. even i think about someone else caring for Flora, i begin to tear up. i've grown to love that little girl who lives 10,000 miles away and speaks swahili. i'm trusting You, her Father, to supply for her needs. You know what she needs more than i ever could. and You know what i need.... and You care for me the same.

You hear the cries of the people in the phillipines who have lost everything due to this typhoon. may You, Jesus, send forth Your salvation to these people. You promise to bind up the broken-hearted, to heal those who seek You. May these people come before You, humbled by Your great power and majesty. Have them turn from their idolatry. May You raise up believers from among these ruins. may their hearts fear You, that they may gain Your salvation. grant them wisdom and knowledge to know Your will and abide in You. break their hearts of stone.

i'm clinging to these verses today and always, "We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you." {ps. 33:20-22}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think you need to keep flora and trust that God will provide the means for you to continue sponsoring her.