Watch out for nairobi flies

people have told me to watch out for this bugs called nairobi flies. they are quite a terrible little bug. click here to read a story of kirk's adventure with these bugs. click here to see some great pictures of the effects of this little beetle.

why am i telling of these bugs? because i must have smashed one near my collar bone. i know how this lovely oosing wound. but the toothpaste is helping and it's drying up nicely. think i may have gotten the nairobi fly in nairobi. ironic? yeah, i really do think.

today's first: i was showering, had all my parts wet and was about to begin the scrubbing process when the lights went out. since the water is already cold, and there are only 4 items in the shower, nothing really changed. i just grabbed the soap from the ledge, suds-ed up, grabbed my scrub brush and washed my feet, turned off the water, wrapped my conga around my body and that's the end. so i guess that the lights are not a necessity to living. perhaps you could try taking a cold shower in the dark?!?!?!

1 comment:

Shari said...

been there, done that. no thank you.