The Girl Who Broke My Heart

this story could've been included in the weekend's events, but i wanted to give this story it's own place.

when we were at samson's church i met this little girl (the one in the middle of the photo). when i first looked her beautiful, brown eyes my heart was filled with hurt and empathy for her. my eyes filled with tears and they just started rolling down my face. my heart was filled with prayers for her. i don't know her story, but my spirit told me that she's really broken and hurting. behind that incredibly beautiful smile there's an untold story. i never caught her name, but she broke my heart in a big way. so maybe you could also say a little prayer for her.

1 comment:

Deadmanshonda said...

Wow. I love that your heart is so sensitive...perhaps the Spirit was groaning for you and for her in ways that words can not express....