Ordinary Things

as i was chatting with some friends this week, i've come to realize that i'm settled here. things are not foreign any more, nor am i'm thinking of all the modern conveniences which i miss. and the food actually tastes pretty good now. (ok, so we have a fill in cook this week, and she ROCKS! - not sure why the food tastes so much better, even many others have commented about the food this week!) still not used to laundry in a bucket, but it's growing on me. early to bed, early to rise is ok, too. i still miss my friends, but it's a different feeling than when i first got here. (and having skype and email is a major blessing!) hmm. what else am i used to? i've discovered the way how to adjust to the cold shower more smoothly.
1. get your legs wet
2. get your arms wet
3. splash water on your stomach
4. turn around and only get the hairs on your head wet
5. after some scrubbing, you'll be ready to dunk your entire body in the cold water.

another process: going to the bathroom
1. go to room and get some toilet paper
2. go to toilet stall and lock the door
3. take toilet paper out of your pocket
4. squat enough to pull your pants legs up, and the top of your pants down. (this is a feat!)
5. do your duty - either 'a short call' (#1) or 'a long call' (#2)
6. stand up and step away from the squat pot before pulling up your pants - due to the nastiness near the pot
those are all very important steps!

now that i'm laughing about my two processes, i kind of want to delete this post and start all over, but i'm going to leave it so you, too, can have a laugh!

and i'm begining to see more similarities in people, instead of focusing on all the cultural differences. the younger girls all get zits and spend time in front of the mirror everyday checking out their blemishes. they spend large amounts of time on their hair, too. people sleep through class, and wake up with drool. some people talk in their sleep. people are brutally honest here - they don't try to cover up their real selves. this is something that i highly admire. they are just themselves - loud or quiet, silly or stern, athletic or not. this is a breath of fresh air.

well, it's nearly time for me to go to class, but i wish it were time to take a nap.

if you want to read some updates on how the hotze's jamaica trip is going, please visit this website. be sure to leave a comment for them, too!

i forgot to add something: i'm going to nairobi, kenya, for easter. looking forward to getting out of this country for a few days. taking the bus - it's about 5 hours from where i'm staying. hopefully we can catch the air conditioned bus, as opposed to the other buses!


Anonymous said...

I thank God that you have grown more at ease with the life in Africa. I am so happy for you. It is easier for me knowing you have made those adjustments. I sincerely say my prayers for you daily if not more.
The bathroom thing would be VERY difficult for me to conquer, on so many levels. Funny to read about non the less. I can't wait to hear about your Easter trip. Hope you feels Gods presence everywhere the whole weekend through.

L and P said...

Are you going to someone's house for Easter?