Lazy Weekend

ah - how i love lazy weekends. it's a beautiful thing when we don't need to drive very much. the most we drove was to marrieta to look for an apartment. we found a couple decent prospects.

troy and i stopped in to see my old boss on saturday. i just love ed. he's got this huge heart. it was good to connect with him again. glad that troy had opportunity to meet him and spend a little time together.

i just found out that my grandma is in the hospital. guess she wasn't feeling well last night, so she went to the hospital in madison. the folks in madison sent her packing to the heart hospital in sioux falls. they'll be running some tests all day. please say a little prayer for her and my family.

ah, it's very monday today. i could've spent another couple hours laying in bed this morning. i took a few extra minutes rolling out of bed, but it just wasn't enough.

highlights from the weekend:
dixie motor speedway
napping on sunday
good conversations with troy
chatting with ed
visiting browns bridge church
lunch with lacey
apartment hunting
a little ice cream from bruster's
troy's brownies with icing

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