joyful in hope

Current theme of my life:

Romans 12.12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Re-current phrase:

I did not get married so i could spend my week alone. If i wanted a weekend lover, i could’ve found one of those without the stress of an ex-, kids and in-laws.

So what do those two things say about the state of my life?

Troy and I leave in 15 days for Romania. Looking forward to getting away, traveling to new places, meeting new people, eating different foods, hearing different languages, etc. oh how i love international travel! Can’t wait to leave. Also, looking forward to seeing how troy reacts to foreign cultures... he and i haven’t ever traveled outside of the country together, so this could be a test of our friendship. I’m a pretty relaxed traveller, and well, troy seems to get a little worked up over it. But in his defense, i used to work for an airline, and have discovered signage and knowing what to look for make all the difference.

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