
So a friend of mine asked me an interesting question yesterday: what could add beauty to your life today? then she went on to describing examples like a waterfall, a song, a painting, etc. i answered her by saying that i taken the mail out to the post box and the smell of fresh cut grass took me by surprise. So that was my answer: fresh cut grass adds beauty.

So what would your answer be? What would add beauty to your life today?

On Good Friday i received a call from an old friend whom I hadnt talked to in many years. That added beauty to that day.

Saving $18 using coupons on my bill of $42 adds beauty, also.

Anoop being safe for one more week on american idol beautiful.

Getting an Easter basket from a friend definitely beautiful.

Getting flowers from my husband most definitely beautiful.

Having a night at home with my husband added beauty, too. (yet having to watch the tea parties from around the country subtracted a little beauty.)

1 comment:

L and P said...

Beauty today= A high of 45 and a trip to the hot springs for a soak this evening! This is going to be a beautiful day.