
so i have a friend named Frauke. Frauke is a german missionary who is trying to get to america. she wrote this letter and i wanted to paste it here, just in case any of you can help her.
Yesterday I got an email from my attorney and it seems that I have to be back in the States before March 6. So the US government is now ready to interview me.

While that is good news it also means several things and all of them have to do with finances.

I need $600 for the flight in the next few weeks
I need $600 to pay my attorney the last rate as soon as I return
I need $200 for the medical examination by the end of next week
I need about $100 for transport to get to the interview in Frankfurt

So in the end I need $1500 very very soon, which freaks me out.
I would like to challenge you to help out. I need 50 people to give $30. Would you pray about being part in this ‘initiative’?

Definitely let me know if you have any questions! I am really excited about this, but also kind of scared, since there is this time pressure now. Would really appreciate your prayers in all of this!

To make a tax deductible donation, please send a check, made out to ‘YWAM’ (please don’t put my name anywhere on the check, rather attach a sticky note) and send it to:
YWAM Las Vegas
c/o support for frauke
PO Box 36606
Las Vegas NV 89133

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