
so my bridal shower is tomorrow. some things about it, i'm looking forward to. somethings i am NOT. my co-workers are gonna throw me under the bus. my poor church lady friends will die. it's gonna be a great clash of interests, and i will be loving every minute of it. i'm looking forward to the punch and cake. did i mention yet that i have amazing friends/co-workers/to-be-in-laws? it's gonna be a hoot!

i've woke up in the middle of the night for 2 nights now with a charley horse. last night i nearly cried because the muscle would not relax. waking up at 4.02 with sharp pains in my left calf is not very joyful. so after i'm married and experience one of these charley horses in the middle of the night - is it too much to ask the honey to massage my leg at 4.02am? just checking.


Anonymous said...

I don't mind doing the massage if im awake.Love anonymous...

Amanda Mae said...

Eat a banana. You probably need some potassium.