Being Loved

so i was sitting in church this morning... listening to the lyrics to a song... sometimes during church i stand silently, listening to the words without actually speaking them. there's something heart-warming about listening to others say the words in unison. anyway, a thought hit me:
when i know i am loved, i don't need to prove anything.

then i started thinking about things which i try to prove, and who i try to prove them to. God has used troy to demonstrate His love for me over and over. troy has a special way of creating a safe place for me to say whatever is on my heart. and not only does he make that safe place, but he draws the conversation out of me. i've not known many people who can do that. i tend to hold back what's on my heart, simply because i don't feel like what's going on in me is worth sharing with others. so troy (and Jesus) are teaching me that i am loved, it's ok to share about my life, and that i sometimes fail to accept the love given by others. so those are my current lessons.

i have 3 words to say, and you can pray over them: baby momma drama. God will know what's going on.

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