lovin' the comments

ya'll are killing me with the comments from my last post.

car issues: on my way to work yesterday my car started having a dilemma. my battery light came on, my power steering went out and the temperature gauge went up some. good thing i was only about a mile from work when it happened. so guess what i did? waited for troy to come online so i could discuss with him what i should do. i am not a car repair (wo)man in any way, nor do i really care what most of the parts on the car do. what i know is i haven't really put much money into my car which is 11 years old. so needless to say, i was little concerned that the repair for my car would be thousands of buckarooskies.

so troy came up to woodstock to rescue me from my car woes. after about 5 minutes under the hood, he came into my office and said, it's your idler pulley, and it shouldn't really cost that much. (i think secretly he was hoping my car was dead so he could go and choose a new one.) there's a little auto repair shop across the street from where i work, so troy drove kelly (that's my car's name) over there and got an estimate: $250. so no need for a new one yet. hopefully she'll keep running another 11 years.

this is the great part of all the car woes: i felt completely 'wifey' calling troy and asking him to come and take care of the dead car. i've not really ever had any one besides my dad help me take care of my car, so it's quite reassuring. it's great that he knows a little about cars and can narrow down what the problem is before it goes to the shop. i thought maybe it was the restricter plate, but that wasn't the trouble. (guess i've been watching a little too much nascar.)

hair issues: so i'm lovin' the new do. really, i love the shortness, the low maintenance of the cut. my dilemma is this: because of the cut, i don't have any blonde left. my sun kissed blonde was been taken away. i've never been a burnette before, and i'm not sure i was ready for that. so now i might be getting high maintenance with some highlights so i can get some blondeness, but we'll see.

p.s. not sure i'm getting a 9mm automatic any time soon.


Anonymous said...

Although it beats paying for another car.Anything from BMW would be a fine replacement.Your HONEY Troy

Anonymous said...

is this troy's comment debut?

Anonymous said...

so i finally get to see a picture and she what kind of guy my neice has picked to join our family. ok so he looks decent, appears to have no piercings and tatoos. ttest.his is a good thing. so now THE APPEARANCE HAS PASSED THE TEST. GOOD JOB TROY! you two look happy. I'm happy for you. by the way congratulations on you engagement. so now when do i get to have a talk with this man?