Special Gift From Above

this morning i was outside hanging my clothes on the line; let's not forget that i'm still washing my laundry in a bucket. it was a beautiful morning - the sun was shining, but not blazing, and there was a light breeze. it was a great day to hang the clothes on the line. then i heard a noise, like the noise of something falling from the sky then landing on the leaves laying in the grass. so me, being curious and having to know what that noise was, looked on the ground in the direction of the noise. there, laying in a pile of leaves, i see a green snake. i must've frightened the little snake (it was probably about two feet long) because when it saw me coming closer, it decided to head back to the trunk for protection.

i'm trying to find some info about the green mambas, but what i'm finding will not calm your fears. green mambas are very venomous - that's about all i can find. and i've discovered after i posted that photo, that the green in the photo looks nice on my blog - it matches!

so i'm traveling to usa river today for our final outreach. i'll be there for 2 weeks. the area is near the arusha national park entrance, so there may be a chance of seeing a stray critter or two.

looking forward to being finished with the outreach. until next time.

ps. randon fact: for my friends that are into agriculture: the most commonly used seed corn here is Dekalb DK8031.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gotta say THAT is a pretty snake!! [and I really dislike snakes]. Beautiful match for your page too! lol -Val