More Letters and Questions

as the time for me to leave draws nearer, people's questions are getting more difficult. 'who will you be working with?' 'do you fear being raped?' 'what if you don't raise enough support?' etc.

it's amazing the sacrifice some people are making in order to give me financial support. it makes me realize that i've not been overly generous with my financial gifts. i would gladly give you the shirt on my back, as long as i have more money to get another for myself. i've always relied on what i have, instead of on Christ's provision. it's a difficult lesson to learn that 'He is all i need'. sending letters, asking (aka: begging!) for money is pretty humbling. it makes me realize that unless He intervenes on my behalf, i'm not going to have enough money to cover the cost of this trip. that's where my faith kicks in, my heart and mind are quieted, and my trust in Him is all that remains.

this morning during church this question was asked to the guy (Lee) being baptized, 'Do you accept the freedom and power God gives you to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves?' i can't get my mind around that question. 1st part... do i accept the freedom and power God gives me? (i like freedom and power!) resist evil, injustice, and oppression? (now we are getting to the parts where i'm feeling convicted.) am i doing anything for the injustices in the world? current the answer would have to be: no. i support a kid who lives in oppression. does that count? hardly. am i doing all i can to protect her from evil and injustice? am i'm attempting to allow her freedom from starvation, choice of schooling, ability to purchase new clothes when hers wear out? am i giving her the nutrients required to live a long and successful life? i'm not sure the i can do that for her, let alone a group of people. as i prepare for tanzania i'm praying that i can say 'yes' instead 'no'. and i'm praying that i'll be able to use the power and authority God gives me to resist evil, injustice and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.' and so i suppose that is my answer to the questions.

had a great weekend. went out with some friends on friday night. had lunch with different friends on saturday. attended the battle of the bands. it was an amazing performance by all 10 bands. and today i went with shottie and enjoyed a family sunday lunch. good times!

1 comment:

Shari said...

I was thinking those same questions during Lee's baptism. Man- if the entire church took those literally......