A Spark

There seems to be things in life which spark something within each of us from being procrastinators to being over achievers. All of us have them. These little sparks come in different wrapping. What sparks me probably won't spark any one else.

I recently bought a book from amazon called, 'Wrestling with Angels' by Carolyn Arends. She is a song writer and musician whom I've really enjoyed for a long time. From the moment my fingers held the book, I could tell it was going to be my spark, nearly like tipping point by Malcolm Gladwell, which is another one of those books which amazed me. Carolyn makes this quote, "My life so far has consisted mostly of a series of seemingly routine moments, completely unremarkable except for the fact that the God of the Universe chooses to encode Himself in even the most mundane aspects of our lives." that quote struck a nerve in me. it felt like something I would come up with.

I have some friends working at a girls retreat this coming weekend. They could use some prayers as they minister to these teenagers. These young girls will be challenged and confronted this weekend by the God of the Universe. It's going to be spectacular! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...


It was amazing to see your smiling face in the crowd this weekend. Thank you so much for being there!

I read Wrestling with Angels a few years ago. I was at such a crazy place in my life when I read it, it was so timely. God used it in my life in a major way. Praying that it continues to be a spark in your life.

Love you friend!