
Reading from My Utmost for His Highest this morning and came across this quote:
'Sin is blatant mutiny against God, and either sin or God must die in my life. The New Testament brings us right down to this one issue— if sin rules in me, God's life in me will be killed; if God rules in me, sin in me will be killed. There is nothing more fundamental than that.'

that phrase, 'either sin or God must die in my life' is very strong dialect. am i waging war in my life to kill sin, or am i standing on the fence - allowing the hidden, dark secrets to evade my thoughts? what am i spending time thinking about, watching on tv, seeing on the net? is God real in me? am I allowing him time/space in my life to make a difference? is He getting my best, or am i giving it to another? am i allowing my affections for Christ to shine throughout my life, or do i hide them so that i will not be embarrassed when others are looking? am i truly working for the Lord when I'm busy at DHR, or do i work for my own ambition? am i serving Troy in an honorable way which expresses my great love for Christ? can my family see i'm passionate about honoring Jesus? am i submitting to Troy out of reverence for Christ, or am i inhibited by my rebellion? do i keep a close watch on the ways i spend my hard earned cash, or do i buy frivolous things to fill a void in my life? am i allowing God sufficient room to move in other's lives, or am i trying to control their every move? do i trust God enough to move in the lives of my family members, so that their hearts choose to trust God's way? am i laying down my cross on a daily basis, accepting that God is able to change hearts, minds and habits? am i'm asking God to reveal the sin in my heart so i can draw nearer to Him? am i willing to make the changes in my life to break the habits which have held me captive for so long?

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