crazy randomness

Troy has been out of town since Tuesday and won't get back until late tonight. it's weird having him be gone that much. i've enjoyed him being around at least 5 nights a week.

i randomly call people (who love me) in the morning in order for them to come to my non-reality farm on facebook in order for them to harvest my crops. i get more coins if they harvest instead of me. frauke and kimberly love getting early morning calls from me. watch out denise.

google calendar now offers a task list. it's a beautiful thing. i've gotten more accomplished in the last couple of days because of it. i can't stand leaving items on my list. it's kinda like my desk at the end of the day - i NEED  to clean it off or i can't leave work. I currently have 4 items on my list: enter payables, cert. of liability updates, get mail, and mail out address change letters to customers and vendors. joy! (and this blog post, too!)

stopped at the library on my way home last night. checked out 3 books. started reading all of them. i have been reading 2 other books, also. now all 5 books content is getting all mixed up in my mind, and i don't know which book offered which quotes. good times. should just stick with one or two books at a time. makes for interesting discussions for Troy and me, that's for sure.

nearly every time i answer the phone this morning, it's a problem to be solved. my supervisor is out of town today, so i'm left to make the decisions. good times. one call offered a credit to our company, so i told that lady that she deserved the employee of the day award. she just laughed.

love it when i wake up thanking God for the life He's blessed me with. makes for a beautiful morning.

hate waking up in the middle of the night from a dream with my heart/mind filled with doubts and fear. perhaps i have more insecurities than i want to admit.

our office could be recorded and be aired on NBC 'the office'. cyndi walks by my office and says some random word, then i finish the thought. for instance: she walks by and says, 'useless', then i finish by saying, 'all of them'. this goes on all day long. i wonder what the whole stories is behind our little comments. one could not even imagine...

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