Random Thoughts

i really like ten shekel shirt. i see they have a new cd out.

I'm also into John Waller.

something hit me on the way to work this morning. it wasn't really that profound, but it has my heart in a stir today. it's about the town where Yunis lived.

the town is called Mkata. It's about 2 hours north/northwest of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.

you can click to photo to enlarge it.

anyway, you might remember me talking about Mkata. That's the place where so much witchcraft and satanic practices took place. all night long i was pestered by the drums and nightly rituals. then, early in the morning, over the loud speaker, the islamic chants would begin. the witch doctors would place this poisonous liquid on the corn leaves so that people walking by would come into contact with this liquid. the liquid would cause your skin to have first degree burns. then the people would need to go to the witch doctor to be cured, but the witch doctors would put curses on the people instead. it was like job security. it was not a very pleasant place for me. i have strong feelings for that place, but they certainly are not pleasant.

anyway, that's also the place where i visited the hospital in order to visit my classmate's son who was in a coma from malaria. the little kid's name is Prosper. the kid turned out ok, with much united prayer and the grace of Christ.

do you see a trend about the sickness coming from this town? and i have another story. my teacher from YWAM, Gemma, decided with his husband that they were called to minister in Mkata. Gemma told me that she had to be admitted to the hospital 3 times with malaria and thyphoid fever. my classmate, Maggie, contracted thyphoid fever when she was in Mkata, too. that's where i was sick for my one day.

anyway, what i'm getting at is this: i'm asking my friends and family to please cry out to God for mercy upon this place. this town in under a curse, and it is way over time for it to be broken. i know that God is desiring to accomplish great things in this little town. so please pray with me for God's saving grace to destroy the strongholds on Mkata, Tanzania.

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