Things I've Learned

today i've learned some things. first, some of the other americans are struggling with the exact same things i was struggling with when i first arrived. people praying in tongues without ever praying on behalf of others, and people using the phrase, 'in Jesus's Name' every other phrase during their prayers. the un-ambitions of people are driving the guys nuts. the girls are struggling to teach the teachers how to teach the students english effectively. and we all are a bit leary of the goat meat. it's been great to discuss some of those struggles...

second, i learned that when i leave to go for our next outreach, that we'll travel from one place to another without returning to the base. so that means i'll be out in the bush for 4 plus weeks. (but i'm going to do what i can to bust out and return to the base for internet.) the place we are going is not too far from where Flora lives. would be sweet to make another visit to see her, but we'll see. i think the name of the next place we are going is called mirangu, but i may be wrong. also i'm praying that we have some power so that i can charge my phone and batteries.

while in mkata i saw a very strange site: bright PINK chicks. i had to ask to owner why the chicks were pink. she mentioned that they color the chicks so the birds will not bother them. these were the only pink chicks we saw, but they were hot pink chicks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I thought of you and the goats today. Our church is having 2 weeks of VBS and they are raising money for goats in Tanzania.
