Finding a Hobby

a friend of mine has told me several times that i need to find a hobby. so i've been seeking one. so far i've not settled on one, but i've found many things i like to do.

i like geocaching. i really like everything about it. it gets me out of the house. makes me exercise while walking to the cache. if i happen to found the cache, i feel accomplished. and if not, then i feel i shall return to find it later. it's a good feeling. the trouble with this hobby is that there are some caches which i would like someone to travel with me to find. so them it becomes a team hobby and not a personal one.

i like reading. i currently am reading about 3 books. applied imagination continue to make me think of ways to be creative in problem-solving. another one is called signs of emergence by kester brewin. it's a great book, even though i am only about 30 pages into it. here are a couple of quotes for the book:
'...the transformation of the church will be about empowering people to face the fundamental questions of their local existence, engaging with all its complexity and emerging as a renewed organism that is faithful to the truth but disinterested in power.'
'The is no point climbing to the peaks if you deny anyone else the opportunity to follow you up, and it is by only doing this that we have any hope of truly becoming wise, without having to relearn everything for ourselves.'

the next hobby i think i could have is being addicted to the gym. i go to the gym every now and then, but i would like to become more of a regular.

i would like to take a drawing class. i think that could be somethinig i would like, but i'm afraid of this: i will buy everything required to learn to draw, then toss all that stuff in some drawer and never want to draw again. unfortunately i have this tendency. i have boxes of rubber stamps and scrapbooking supplies, but i'm not every eager to take those hobbies back up.

so i'm looking for a hobby which will cost me as little money as possible, will be something that holds my attention and can be done alone. got any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

good luck on finding a hubby.

Anonymous said...

denise...i think she said HOBBY.

Tanya--the gym is awesome. I try to go (not so good lately) and it does wonders for energy, flexibility, etc. I need less sleep....I sleep better....and on and on and on. It's challenging and refreshing. Other than that, you could get a horse !

Anonymous said...

A hobby is a great idea - and drawing would be a good creative thing to get into. Wouldn't hurt to take a class and try it, really the worst outcome is you have a sketchpad and pencil in a drawer, is that really such a horrible thing?? When's the class start??!!!