Gmail, Challenges, and Skype

so lately i've been having some of the most in depth conversations over gmail. it amazes me. another friend said that she's been having the same experience. what's up with this? an example: today i was chatting with a friend of mine from las vegas. she was telling me about an aunt of mine who had a life-changing experience last weekend while attending a retreat in chamberlain, sd. (did you catch that: i live in GA and my friend from NV was telling me about my aunt who lives in SD.) it's a small world after all!

wouldn't it be incredible if you could be proposed with a challenge each day? not your normal, everyday challenge, but what if someone were to propose a challenge for you to accomplish every day? for instance: what if i were to challenge you to contact (via email/phone/snail mail/etc.) someone whom you've not connected with recently. and that's your challenge for today. and maybe tomorrow's challenge could be to find 3 clothing items you are willing to part with. and maybe the next day's challenge could be to meet someone from a store or restaraunt and learn 3 different things about them. and what if the next day's challenge was to find out who the pastor of a local worship center/synagogue in your community is, (someone other than your pastor) and pray for him/her. do you think you'd be up for the daily challenge? i think that would be revolutionary for people. so i'm trying to find some friend who will do it. i'm gonna try to propose a challenge for different people, whom i expect will accomplish the task.

today's challenge: contact (via email/phone/snail mail/etc.) someone whom you've not connected with recently. and let me know how it goes. i'd love to hear back about this. and i'll let you know that i've been challenged to contact 4 people, instead of just one. so far i've knock out 2, and have 2 more to go. i chose the phone method, and the next one will be the phone method as well.

which leads me to my next topic. i've signed up with Skype. i'm not sure it's going to work in tanzania, but i can tell you that it works marvelous here in the States. i've made several calls, and so far they've all worked perfectly - no cut-offs or interference. so if you have skype, let me know and i'll add you to my contact list.


Shari said...

I'll take the challenge for today. Bring it!

Anonymous said...

you inspire me. I am so amazed with your wisdom and your willingness to serve God. Thank you. I want a challenge afraid
