It hit me yesterday like a two-by-four: I'm supposed to go to ywam-kilimanjaro. I'm convinced of this; I'm not doubting which organization to go through anymore. But then the reality of this started kicking in and now I'm nearly overwhelmed. I reviewed the information which I've been sent from YWAM - the info about all that needs to happen before i get on a plane on february 24, 2007.

Here's a list:
A.) Shots
i called yesterday to a local clinic and these are what has been suggested:
...1.) Yellow Fever $125 (required)
...2.) Hepatitus A $92
...3.) Hepatitus B $342 (3 sessions of $114)
...4.) Tetanus $41
for a grand total of $741

B.) Passport Renewal with photo shoot $130

C.) Compiling info so i can complete the application, and get info to my references

D.) Finish Christmas letter which i started last night, but it quickly turned into a letter requesting support.

E.) Calculate how much money i'll need for the next 9 months, with a focus particularly on the next 3.

so for now, those items are on the immediate list of to-do's, with the #1 priority being the passport. gonnna try to get some passport photos in the morning, after or before Breakfast With Santa.

Another thing i'm doing in preparation is make time everyday for studying my Bible and praying specifically for this trip. last night during my study time, i ran across this verse, "He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure." (isaiah 33.6) Jesus is the only sure foundation for our time. He is a rich store of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. in my mind i can see Him standing outside His store, calling to people, 'come, all you who are thirsty and you who don't have any money. come to my store and i'll give you my most treasured gifts. they are free and i'm generous.' how can anyone refuse? and fearing Him by submitting to His authority which isn't burdensome is the key to accepting these gifts. James says, 'if anyone is without wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault.' so i've been asking for His answer and He has responded. my gratitude arises because of His generosity.

Father, as i think about all that has to happen in 86 days, my heart gets overwhelmed. You have laid out for me this plan, and I'm trusting that You have a way of making all these things fall together in perfect order. You are a God of order. so i'm asking You to open ways for me to get the photos tomorrow, so the passport application can be returned swiftly. and i continue to pray of finances, for the shots, for the fees and travel expenses. i trust that it's Your plan to get me there, and You'll supply all my needs and expand my harvest of righteousness.
in Jesus' Name ~ Amina

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey buddy, i'm praying for you. what an exciting adventure this is!