Daily Challenge #4

Daily Challenge #4

Clutter: (verb) to run in disorder, (noun) to fill or scatter with disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness

My house is the epitome of this description. With 5 people living in a smaller house, we tend to spill over into every area of our living space. Here's an example: the Christmas tree takes up ¼ of our dining room. We also have a desk in the dining room for homework. I have a rather large plant stand in the dining room, because that room gets the most light. We have a round 4-person table with spinning chairs in the dining room. Carson usually likes to drive his cars in the dining room, because it has wood floors. Our shoes tend to end up in the dining room, because the front door opens into it. We usually eat dinner in the dining room together as a family. Oh, there is also a small book shelf to stash pencils and paper and a dictionary and cards. That's just one room. There's just STUFF all over.

So today's challenge is to find an area in your house which needs sorting. Perhaps it's the fridge or a closet. Perhaps every room in house needs a little sorting (like mine). Whatever the case, try a little de-cluttering.

When our house gets out of control, it feels like our moods seem to follow. Troy and I do best when things are set in a specific place. Troy is good at making sure things stay tidy; it's me who tends to create piles and stacks. Our bedroom is the perfect example. I have my clothes laying folding in piles on the floor, and he's really great about putting all his clothes away in drawers or on hangers.

It's good for the soul to do some cleaning.

Remember: Give, Keep, Toss – the 3 keys words to sorting anything.


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