a beautiful weekend

troy and i hosted a little get together with some our friends on friday night. it was a dress-up party. i'll have to post some pictures later because they are on troy's camera. let's just say that we had a good time with our friends. it was an informal meeting; just sat around the table. it was hard on my sides; we laughed so hard and so long. we were glad to enjoy some good laughter with friends. super excited Troy was around to enjoy the party also. the phrase that came out of the night is: 'That's cool. That's Kentucky.'

we had a lazy morning, loafing around the house. went on a date lunch to Chili's. Spent some time talking at the park. Between Troy's random schedule and moving to Vesty, we've not had a weekend to relax in about 6 or 7 weeks. on saturday, Troy was supposed to have a trip to Tampa, but before he left for atlanta, he called the freight company, only to find out they had canceled the trip. (that was pretty exciting for me.) I've missed having a full weekend for just Troy and I to hang out and re-connect. With him being gone 3-4 nights a week, one being the weekend night, it has put a strain on our relationship. Probably I need to be more specific; it has put a strain on my side of the relationship. When I'm the one sitting at home, it causes me to be not as thrilled regarding Troy's job. It's easy for me to get down on Troy because of our lack of communication since he's gone so much. There's something amazingly reassuring by having him fall asleep next to me, and to be able to wake up next to him.

After finding out about his canceled trip, we decided to get out of the house. We took a little trip to a fabric store, then out to one of our favorite dinner locations: huddle house on cobb parkway. we got home in time to watch the 2nd half of the Florida football game. Go Gators - chalking up another win.

we played the role as secret shoppers on sunday morning. liked the experience, much different than what we're used to. heated up left over chili for lunch, which hit the spot on nascar and dallas cowboys vs. atlanta falcons game day. took a long nap. woke up in time to see denny hamlin pull off a win. headed over to our pastor's house for a meal with some volunteers from our guest services members. had a good time discussing church stuff.

and that's about it for the weekend. i was awakened to having bad dreams last night. proceeded to wake troy up to pray with me, cuz i was pretty freaked from my dreams. it was the type of dream where you wake up scared, get calmed down, only to fall right back into the dream. it continued several times like that before i finally woke Troy up. think i've been watching too much news, seeing too many scary costume ads on tv, and hearing too much about kids being abused or killed. hopefully the dreams will not return any time soon.

1 comment:

Tricia Turner said...

Wow, it has been a while since I heard what is going on in your life! A new house and a baby???
Where is you new house and when is baby due?
Pray you get over youe sickness soon.
Tricia Turner